
moxibustionMoxibustion is a technique used in traditional Chinese medicine in which a stick or cone of burning mugwort, Artemesia Vulgaris, is placed over an inflamed or affected area on the body. The cone is placed on an acupuncture point and burned. The cone is removed before burning the skin. The purpose is to stimulate and strengthen the blood and the life energy, or qi, of the body.

Moxibustion is used for people who have a cold or stagnant condition. The moxa stick is burned to warm up the blood and qi that are not circulating well. It is particularly known for its ability to turn breech presentation babies into normal head-down position that is considered safer during childbirth.

In 1998 the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 75% of the pregnant women in the study had breech fetuses that turned in the normal position. Moxibustion significantly increases fetal movements in pregnant women.

Moxibustion is also used to treat inflammations. For example, if treating a patient with tendonitis, the moxa stick is burned over the elbow area. It is also highly regarded for menstrual cramps, when the stick is waved over the abdominal area. Often, the cramps disappear immediately.

Moxa on acupuncture points is frequently done with acupuncture treatments for many kinds of ailments. The treatment brings warmth and helps strengthen the activity of the bloo